Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Truly Loved

if you are happier than before you entered my heart.. then that' the time I could say, I truly loved :)

Missing someone

I caught myself scribbling words in my notepad again... and it's your name..
And then the music played for some reason which added to the longing for your voice. I got lost in time for a while thinking all about you.. I ain't used to miss someone this much. But I guess there's always a first time..

Thanks for reminding me one thing tonight that although we dont have much interaction, you still rock my world..

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

X-Men First Class Movie Review

Me and Ryan, my movie buddy decided to watch this movie. However to our dismay, there was no 3D in the cinema. My friend asked why and the teller only said to us that its because it’s a super blockbuster movie. Honestly when I heard that, I was thinking “if its super blockbuster, then why not have it 3D? Geez”. So we got the movie in 2D screen. I was not hoping to have a good experience cause I was really expecting to watch this in 3D. But I was wrong.

Though, the movie was not in 3D it was still amazing. Actors were very good. Everything was very well-thought of. It lives up to its title “First Class” because this movie shows the start. You might be wondering some of the characters are not really found in the succeeding XMEN series however they still build up a good story. Some scenes are breathtaking and makes you want to ask for more.

There are just a few parts that I don’t really like. First off was the way Alex Summers releases his power. He is like playing a holla-hoop. Second, I am no expert in Aerodynamics, but I don’t think the part where Banshee grabs Havoc at the Marine Ship and flies off without problems. If you look closely at his wings, its somehow clipped slightly but his movements in flying was not affected. This is somehow absurd, his wings are vital on his flight. Based on how I see it after picking Havoc, the flight would be disastrous cause his right wing was not at full span giving it an unbalance pressure and would result to whirl-like movement of the flying body. However, this was not taken into consideration and was ignored all throughout. Third, I don’t like the director’s idea on focusing Magneto’s facial expression every time he uses his power. I think there are best way of portraying or showing his power without making the cam face to him with his dirty hangs pointing at me. But anyways, I enjoyed the movie.

After the movie, you will say to yourself “That’s explains everything”. This is a good feedback since the movie not only live up to be amazing but also was coherent with its other series. And that made it as one of the best movies of the month.

Well, I couldn’t give it a 4 right? Hehe..

I’ll be giving this one 4.5 star on my 5-point scale rate!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Kung Fu Panda 2 Movie Review

I was so eager to watch this one since the previous was pretty good. Good thing a friend of mine invited me to watch this at the Cinema in 3D!.. WOhoo!.. I did not care that almost 90% of the movie goers were Kids! wahha. Hearing their laughters as it echoes in the entire cinema, one cant help but laugh also. So here's my review:

Film animation was pretty neat. If I had to rate it in 5-point scale, I am giving it a 3. The scenery and the characters are detailed which gives you an iimpression that they are somehow real. But the movie doesn't maximize the full potential of 3D animation. I may not have seen the 2D but I think its still as good as the 3D.

On the concept, I dont know if any one is familiar with Tai Chi. Cause I think the Kung Fu that Po intended to learn was tai chi. In the movie, I think this was not properly executed. If you look closely in the fighting scenes esp the last part, it may appear as tai chi based on his body stance and movement at first but becomes different once he receive the attack. It should have been good if the director accounts the proper execution of this kung fu. A reference might be the Kung Fu Hassle or Shaolin Soccer. But aside from this, its fun to watch.

The story in the movie deals mostly on Po's past. From the previous movie, one might wonder why He got a goose father when in fact he is a panda. Well you will know why he got that one. Grading the story in 5-point scale, I am giving it 3. The score is based on the fact that this movie unveils the character's past and gives enlightenment to the current scenario. There is also a portayal of relationship like father and son, comraderie and a little part for lovers :D. There is a tear-jerker scene in the movie so bring handkees :D whaha. Another interesting part in the end of the movie that signals for a possible sequel.

Overall, it was not as great as the previous one but still it was fun watching it. Though, the rating was not that high but compare to the other movies for this week, its worth watching..

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Battle: Los Angeles Review


I remember Transformer which storyline sucks but this sucks even more. The invading aliens are like dumb octopuses or somehow related to the terminator. The whole movie was about bullets and bombs flying around with no fixed target. If you love fireworks , falling concretes, mosquito-like vehicles they call drones, or command center that seems like a merged of all scrap metal with no definite structure.. then watch this..

Rating: 1 Star

Overall Impact: A mini story stretched to almost 2 hours with guns and dumb aliens with guns!

Here's the link of the movie:

Love Letter III


its never been easy to say things like this. Its not that I never saw this coming but I've been trying to do my best to ignore these kind of things. I was hoping up until now things will still work out between us. However, I am afraid it isn't. You dont have to lie anymore by saying "Everything is fine between us". I no longer need to pretend that we are Okay eventhough we are not. I know we've tried hard on this. But things are not working right.

So, eventhough it breaks my heart to say this, I am letting you go. I am not giving up on you. I've always wanted you to be happy even if it means you leaving me. I know God knows I want you so bad to stay. But you're happiness comes first than mine.

I just want you to know how much I treasure every moment we had. You know I'll do anything for you. It will be hard getting over someone like you but I'll try my best. I hope you will be fine as well now without me by your side.

Though its painful to say good bye, but I have to.. I love you.. I hope you felt that. I wish you happiness, Good bye..


In View of My Faith: The People of Hell

So I just finished reading some crap in the net about a girl who claimed to be in Hell and Heaven through Jesus' guidance and aide. There was a long "blah blah" narrations about it in the article however what upsets me is when I read about people in Hell. I dont have that much knowledge about Pope John Paul II. I aint even an avid follower of him. But to put him in Hell in that article because of like teaching people wrong things. That make me say "Hey! You're hitting below the belt. He is dead". And she said Jesus lead her to Selena who was in agony of the fires of hell pleading that people should stop singing her songs. I searched the net out of enthusiasm just to stumble on some freak gossips about her songs that had Black Magic on it. And parents are not encouraging their children to listen to it. I aint an avid of this woman. But this is unfair. I mean geez lets get some logical sense here. If it is true that it had black magic on it, the caster is dead. And if those are spells in it, magic doesnt work on ignorant people unless they are being controlled of or made aware of it. So that means, those words will just words. Get it?. I know a lot have different views of faith or God in general. We are all lost sheeps and our Shepherd is somewhere that we need to figure out where. I just cant stand my co-sheeps dragging me where to go by destroying other sheeps. Thats insane! We are reading the same book but we cant even get into a unified conclusion of it. I dont oppose any unless they are ILLOGICAL, INHUMANE or IRRATIONAL. I believe in what they call God, the creator. He who governs everything from dust to the biggest rock, from bacteria to whales, from air to outspace.. It is HIM. I hate discussing faith by saying your wrong cause NO ONE can tell you its right or wrong. NONE but only HE who governs everything. I dont know who is right but hope that some people will stop saying bad to other people esp when they are dead. They have their own way of seeing GOD and have done things in their outmost capability to live through it.

i know its pretty difficult to use our eyes to see through things in life.. thats why we got brains to think and heart to feel.. and most of all the mouth for comfort, hands to give strength and protection and feet for moving on.. God is with us when we make use the best of everything we have for others and for His Glory..