Sunday, April 13, 2008

Simala Travel

Last April 13, my mom with the rest of the family went to Simala. I having gone to Simala for 3 times already and did not expected the kind of picture of it when we arrived there. If you have been to Sinulog, yesterday's people was same as it was in Sinulog. There were so many people. It was so since it was the 13th day of the month and falls on a Sunday which according to some old folks in the area, is day of miracles of the virgin. It was not a good thing to be there since I was suffering from mingraine already. And the heat, crowd and the atmosphere in Simala is not helping my situation. But I'd still managed to be there for a few hours and attended the mass. And believe me, the number of people that goes out never compensates to the number people thats goes in. I did think yesterday that Mother Mary seen the people in Simala since there were scattereed rain shower on the area. It was quite refreshing but the fact that "from heat then rain" is not good. Wahaha.. :D It was dark when we arrived home. I did thank God since I was still in good shape althroughout the travel. It was an unforgetable experience. One thing I've learned that day, if you want to avoid a lot of people, go to Simala when its not Sunday and not the 13th day of the month. And one more thing, bring yourself only and dont be with someone else. So you wont have a hard time dragging someone along with you :D

Thursday, April 10, 2008

broken promises

Well, i turned to be bad for breaking my promise to my mom to be home early. I did planned to be home early but a friend of mine invited me to hang out with some friends. I did like the idea since that friend would pay for my food. But the sad thing was I forgot to ask for permission to stay late or be late. I did anticipate on the time but I was so happy hanging out with my friends that I got lost track of time. The next thing I know it was 10:30 pm which was way past the time I promised to be home. When mom called on the cellular phone of my friend, I immediately got on the jeepney going home. Not only I did break my mom's promise, I also broke one of my promises too. I did promise that I should stay away and ignore that person. And also as much as possible never ever speak of that word again. But me being an ass, broke it all. I clung to that person like a lizard. I did not ignore that person coz most of my attention was on that person. And not but not the least, I used that forbidden word many times. I know I did went so far in breaking my promises. But did I really broke them or was it still on the context? I did an emotional check within myself. And it was still my resolve. So it was nothing serious to impose a threat to me. I felt bad for the broken promises.. And I do my best to never do it again.. :D

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Johny Deep Movie marathon

Today, I watched movies starring JOhn Deep. Well these are "The Pirates of the Caribbean: At the World's Ends" and "Sweeney Todd: the demon barber of fleet street" . The first one was pretty nice. I really am amuse on the acting of Jack Sparrow (johny deep). hehe.. His lines in the movie (or the manner he carry himself the scenes) are funny. On the other hand, the second movie was a bit tragic since Mr. Todd (johny deep) killed his own wife. It was an accident though coz he wasnot able to give a closer look at the woman. But it should not have happen if mrs. lovett did not lie of his wife's whereabouts and mr. todd was not eatin by his thirst of revenge over the people that cause him pain.

All the films are worth watching.. ANd I enjoy myself watching them:D

Johny Deep fan forever!!! hehehe

Sunday, April 06, 2008

... regrets...

Things we regret on:
1.) things we wished to have but did not
2.) words we wished to say but too late to be spoken
3.) things we wished to do but failed
4.) people we could have been but didnt have a chance to be
5.) people whom we wished could have stayed but left
6.) wonderful moments but did not last

...... the list is endless unless we stop and think that regrets are nothing but a mere reflection of our cowardice in life. Regrets came to be since we were not able to achive our goals because we let ourselves being hindered by fear, insecurities, pride and other things. We start to regret when we stopped thinking that past is of the past or the past could never be changed. We could avoid these things if in our life, we do the things we really wanted to do and bearing all the consequences of it.
...... Life is directed by our choices. Carefully choosing those choices according to what we really wanted would be a way to lessen our regrets in life.. ;)

Saturday, April 05, 2008

she will be forgotten

it just came to me this week. When i said "im moving on", i might sound absurd based on the things I have been doing lately. Well, I am but not enough. It is not enough in the sense that people could still feel the kind of presence we have together. Though how many times I tried to impose change within myself, people cant see it. They see thesame old me around same girl. Well, I can't force them to think that way esp. when they think that my world is still around her. THe fact that is was doesnt mean it is still. My heart could be stupid but wounds do heal. And when it does, scars remind us that we wont do it again no matter how dumb we could get. A lot of friends had their suggestions on what should do but I did not listen thinking it would be too harsh to implement between us. But this has to end since I know can see the gap I had created between us. I want that gap to widen so that people would see that she doesnt matter to me that much. I dont want to impose this on the hard way but we might be running on thesame circles or worst creating another circle of our own. Sad to say, she will be forgotten. Not tomorrow, Not on June, but Now.. She will be forgotten and this she will learn that on the hard way.. And I dont intend to hurt her.. ANd I know perfectly my place. This has to happen again to delibrately destroy the thing that has been between us that should have never been. That would be painless on my part since I could go on without her. I dont know if that would hurt her either..... all i know is that... i would do this.. not to free just my self, but the both of us from the strangle of issues around us so that we could act separately without affecting each other.. :)
Note: i Dont inteNd tO be Assumptous to some part of the post.. All of it were based on how I feel and please just respect it. If U got nothing important to say, just Dont post a Reply cause I would think youre absurd.. hehe.. Comments are greatly appreciated... Thankz for reading.. :O

Tuesday, April 01, 2008


Its been sad lately since I did not have good grades in all my higher math subjects. Its painful to see a lot of 5 in my report card. And now, this academic year, I would sacrifice what I think has been so deliberately useless in my academic life. Although they add spice to my college life but the fact that I need to concentrate so that I could graduate this year. I wish that I could make it since it would be a test of my determination against these things that is I consider now as temptations. I know I had been stupid to entertain these things and its never to late to make my last resolve. I know surrender them, so Help ME GOD.

A day with muscle pain

Since I put up a lot of stress to my upper body yesterday, it resulted to muscle pain in those areas. Sadly I need to go school today which I thought to be fruitful. But I ended to waste a lot of money with accomplishing less of my desired tasks for today. I came to help my friend from their physics experiments which was very very late. We had to sneak to her boarding house just to be able to be in her room and made their experiments there. I thought my day in school would ended up without seeing my batchmates. But I was wrong cause after a few hours in my friend's boarding house, one of my barkada came. Well at least, my day did not ended up all messed up. Though I was not able to make almost 50% of the task I which to accomplished today, I am still happy that I was able to hangout with my friend. But though nice events came today, I still am bearing the muscle pain all through out the travel. I think I would get sick. My friends gave a few punches to me which is painful considering I am suffering muscle pain. But it was ok though since it was just for fun yet it was still painful. I arrived late today though I promise to my mom to be home early. I dont know if she was angry since she was already sleeping when I arrived. Though in pain, I still finished my whole day.