Sunday, October 21, 2012

Love and Reality: A Reaction from the film “The Mistress”

I watched the movie "The Mistress" a day after its premiered night here in Cebu. Well, I've always been a fan of the pair. And this movie was interesting basically because, previously this third wheel scenario has been a taboo. But now, this is starting to be a cliché. I don't know what's the current social issues and mentality that had made this kind of act/behavior common. Yet, I know this is really happening. It sucks but it’s a reality. And those lines they said in the movie were not just from a fairytale movie with a happy ending. But from logical reasoning that doesn't deviate from the real world scenario.

As portrayed in the movie, Sari Alfonso who was bounded by gratitude for 5 long years had offered a day of her life for to Frederico Torres, Snr. Well, that's every Thursdays. Yes, this picture is common nowadays. Just because of a piece of gratitude, everyone gets to be chained to something because we tend to be impelled to return the favor. And the sad thing is because of this strong sense of gratitude, the sense of morality of wrong and right gets trampled down unknowingly. And in addition, this also gives a wrong sense of security. She thought she was contented on this set up by just being Frederico's other woman. But then, someone came to stir things up. Someone younger and was a great pursuer. His name was Juancho Diego Torres a.k.a JD. JD did all those cheesy flick-type moves to win her over. Going into her house, hanging out with her family/friends, having lunch with her in her office (though she insisted not to) and making her feel special were a number of things JD did. From Sari's point of view, he was a good catch. And because they are getting close to each other, she started sharing a piece of her life to him. This reached to a point of even telling him her greatest secret which is being a mistress of Rico (Frederico's nickname). This revelation did not stop JD but instead promised to spend all the days with Sari except on Thursdays. Sari did not know that JD also harbors a secret.

The story progressed to an interesting lovey-dovey act of the two while Sari trying to balance it out with Frederico. And I am quite impressed on how the director made all those scenes looked not so overly mushy and cheesy. Just quite enough to make a point that JD and Sari has indeed the chemistry for the audience like me to get hooked up. There was point in the movie when Sari started to fall for JD. This made her confused and afraid. But still it came to a point that she confessed this to Frederico who in turn felt the competition. But her benefactor wished to her not to be shared with some other guys. She broke the news to JD who did not take it lightly. I'll leave the entire to-and-fro lines so that you, dear readers, will be curious about the whole conservation (well, it was more like an anger-crying conversation between JD and Sari). But the gist of the whole thing is that, he told her that she deserves better. This made changed her mind and did not end the relationship but rather kept it away from Frederico's radar. Well, no one deserves to be just a third wheel in a relationship. And yes, each one of us deserves better. Each of us (girl/gay/boy/bi/trans/or whatever creature) should think that we are not just options someone had to take when they have a free time. In reality, the loser in this scenario is always the one who was not supposed to be part of the relationship. And no matter how you look at it, no one will ever see you as a victim but rather someone who just want to mess things up. You know why? Consider this as common sense. They're in a relationship and of all people no matter how lust oozed out from the other one, you'll not going to acknowledge it and be involve with that person simply because it's not right. Sadly, when it comes to this kind of issues, right and wrong is out of question. In the movie, Sari knew it was wrong. But she still got herself caught up in this sinful web of lust by gratitude. I guess, if a person is in that relationship, there's no way that relationship lasts. Honesty and Loyalty are one of the main recipes of a good relationship. And for those people who can't keep this, it pretty impossible on having a relationship to start with. In the movie, the things went bad when Frederico invited her to dinner to some restaurants (expensive-type) only to find out that the wife, Regina Torres, was also there. Shocked and mad about what she saw, the wife made her way to the table and insulted Sari. Frederico tried to stop her but he was not able to contain her anger. Sari, on the other hand, was so embarrassed that she kept her head down. It came to worst when Regina's son came. She called him out to the table and showed him what she found out. And the son was JD. This was his secret. He was Rico's son (well, technically his biological father was Juancho Diego, an artist, to whom his mother Regina had an affair with). It was revealed beforehand that JD already had an eye on Sari before he knew she was his father's mistress (before Sari told him). And pursued her to know if she was some gold digger but she was not. And found himself falling even more in love with her.

  So, back to the scene, JD approached and started calming his mother. Sari heard his voice and looked up. With disbelief of what she saw, she cried. Then the scene shifted in the tailoring shop where Sari was depressed and mad. JD came and tried to ask for forgiveness but did not turned out good. Again, I leave the details of the whole conversation a secret for the readers to know. Anyways, the next few clips where about JD trying to get back what he and Sari had. Well, he successfully did. And that's in Tuguegarao when Sari delivered barong to the client. Because of the turn of events, Sari had the courage to tell this to Frederico which did not turn well. This leads to a confrontation between Son and Father and Rico's demise. The last few clips showed how Rico tried to ask for forgiveness about the things he did. But the ending was really interesting. It's not the usual ending that everyone expected. I give a high mark for this idea since the ending lived up to the whole point of the story. It was about one single quote that was said many times in whole movie. It may have left me with a "HUh?" but it was with a smile. In reality, it should happen.

It was indeed a pretty interesting movie. And definitely suggest this to everyone to watch. And about the title of the movie, it is referring to something else. Interesting fact, I say.

Below are my quotes inspired by the movie:
Be someone a person had to choose not just a simple option he takes.
No wrong can make things right. But nothing can go right when things are at the wrong time.
If life is game, you are not intended to lose.
Life may not be fair, but definitely in your life story, you shouldn't be just an underdog.

~ grinalk2012

Heart Chronicles : Anxiety of The Future

Life is long journey.. 

If you keep worrying what will happen in the future, you might forget to enjoy the present. 

But if at some point, you'd be ask to decide something that might affect your future, you have the past to help you decide. 

So, treasure and make most out of the present, look back and learn from the past and look forward on tomorrow with a smile.. 

Life is meant be enjoyed. Well, in my dictionary, I guess. 

Friday, March 02, 2012

Indecent Conversation

While I was enjoying my sumptuous lunch, a group of ladies sat to a table a few centimeters away to mine. And because of distance, I can’t help but overheard their conversation. Well, who wouldn’t be? I don’t think they realized the sensitivity of the topic. So they casually blurted out their comments. Here goes the conversation:
Woman 1: They are reshuffling the guys.
Woman 2: Well, who cares? I got my eyes on Guy.
Woman 1: Guy is already married.
Woman 2: Its fine. What I am only after is bodily treasures.
Woman 1: Ahahahah. You mean Bodily pleasures right?
Woman 2: No. Bodily treasure like shopping, etc. Not Bodily pleasure. [Giggle]
Woman 1: Ahahaha. Okay.
I was bothered by their remarks so I looked at the ladies. And forgive me readers for saying this, but Woman 1 & 2 are in no position to be so confident. I will not explain why. I’ll leave that to you to think. They go on talking about this whole thing but my ears were shut cause its all rubbish to me. From the looks of their face, I can say they are old enough to know what their saying. They don’t seemed to know their grounds. I may not know the whole situation nor have meet the guy their talking about but I am not presumptuous enough to have thought that what their saying wasn’t good. I am against adultery or even divorce. They destroy family. Kiridas and such are pests to relationship. And hearing this makes me want to blurt out to them the gravity of what their talking about. I don’t know what was on Woman 2’s mind when she just said “What I am only after is bodily treasures”. I can’t helped to think if the guy is like Multimillionaire in white collar to just give money or stuffs. But if its not, I guess it only boils down to that kind of “give-and-take” scenario. And what amazed me is that woman 1 did not reprimand or retaliate but instead laugh. She could have told woman 2 it was wrong to have inappropriate remarks.
Because of this, I lost my appetite and I would have love to slam the plates on the table. But I controlled my temper. I silently packed my lunch, stood up and paid the bill. All that time, my face was at “Mad State”. They don’t just ruin my lunch but irresponsibly talked about something I don’t wish to hear esp from ladies.

Reality Defines Common Sense

As what I know, reality is the totality of the facts that defines the present and what has transpired from the past. This is limited on time passed or should I say on to what had happened and what has been happening. This doesn’t include the future.
On the other hand, common sense, as what I had understood, is our logical reasoning or response on events. I believe our common sense is greatly affected on the flow of events in our life or just simply our own realities. So by that, I came up with this in genius quote: reality should be our common sense. Sometimes, we lost track of what is the reality and get sucked up with all the dreamy ideals which shrouded our common sense. Thus, affects our better judgment on things.

When I say reality should be our common sense, it’s a way of saying aside from doing what we normally do; we also consider the present and the past facts in arriving decisions. Here’s an example. We normally clean the table after eating but not all people know what to do of the leftovers. So, you will probe to the one who owns the house and ask “where should this be” or “where should be that”. What you are actually doing is fitting on the reality of that household.
Common sense could not be a way of life. In a sense, that common sense is limited to “what we normally do…” kind of thing. And I guess, its boring to be like that. Our way of living evolves and we innovate tasks to do things at their best. Your common sense will tell you to clean the table if its dirty but you wont be able to realize to create an anti bacterial liquid/wash by that. Its common sense to be dressed formally in a fine dining set up restaurant but it won’t lead you to choose what color or kind of design of clothes to wear. What I am trying to say with this is that, common sense can not be a lifestyle but merely a part of it.
No man is limited to his reality. As one saying goes, we are only limited to what we think we are limited of. However, this is a different story if you put lifestyle here. Our lifestyle depends on what is reality. That’s basic fact. You can’t live like a fisherman when in reality you’re in the mountains raising crops. Absurd right? This is enough to make my point that our lifestyle is rooted up on our reality.

Great Rulers are Good Servants

My mom just shared this to me today...

On her eagerness to let my niece have a confession today, she went to Hoops dome Lapu-Lapu after learning there was event. Well, she thought it was a healing mass. Puzzled why the people are in cluster, she approached the receptionist saying she wasn't part of any org/community. Though the receptionist was puzzled, she let her signed the attendance sheet [somehow]. Now, still looking for a priest for the confession, she asked a guy where could she find one. The guy was like "oh?" but then could out someone 'Brad' [let's name him Brad1] to guide her. For someone reason, Mom was chatting to this Brad1 and ask him where the CR is. So he pointed the direction. Then, Brad1 introduced Mom to Brad2 who lead him to the priest. She was confused when people asked her "Was there any confession today?". She just bluntly said, "I came here for that reason". After a few mins, people started lining up for confession. She didn't know what the event and she did not bother to ask what it was either to anyone cause she thought this was some healing mass. While my niece was having a confession [well as if the priest got a choice...], she stared at Brad2 from a distance cause she somehow thought his face was familiar. She asked someone who was beside her. And then, she was like "Wow". Brad2 is none other than, the Head Servant of CCTN Oasis of Love, Nonito (Dodong) A. Limchua. She was amazed how this man was humble enough to help her look for a priest. Then people started singing.. and dancing. Though confused, she and my niece sat near the stage. Then suddenly, a speaker came out. After hearing the speech, she taught the speaker was very awesome. Then after, it was introduced as none other than the international speaker Bro. Ale Aguspina. She was so happy to finally hear this man speak on stage [unplanned though] . And then another speaker came out and introduced as the Undersecretary of DILG 7, Hon. Lito Ruiz. And my mom's eyes was like "OMG. Its BRAD1!!!!!" and both of them just stared out of amazement. My niece even thought he was some event coordinator or worst, a stage crew. Mom never knew that this influential guy be so humble enough to guide two strangers. And then right after the event, there was a mass celebrated by the Archbishop of Cebu, Most Reverend, Jose Palma. SHE FELT SO BLESSED TODAY!

I was laughing hard hearing her story and see her amazement of things that had happened. I say, IMBA!.. IKAW NAH, MA! wahhaha. Funny how a few powerful and influential people appear so simple and humble.. OH, I searched the event she was in and it was The Catholic Charismatic Communities of Cebu 36th Anniversary .. Awesome! wahahahah Beat that! wahahahha

Guess You have to Figure it Out

How can you wake up when you'll persist on dreaming? Sometimes, we should put an effort on opening our eyes and seeing the whole problem rather than be blinded on our own false ideas on how things should work out. Yes, No one is perfect. And everyone can make a mistake. But it also comes with the fact that committing the same mistake over and over again is unforgivably stupid. I dont know who's keeping you away from realizing that what you have been doing up until now is not good. Will it be from moral dilemma, second person or third party influence, corrupted idealism or just plain below average thinking? Which is which? cause right now even I cant classify where your actions fall to. You should pack up and leave or else everyone will. Oh, I guess you haven't thought of that, right? ^_______^

Embracing God's Love

Learn that on every bad things in your life, you just need to look up and smile cause someone who knows you more than yourself is watching every step you make, cheers you every step forward, and is always at your back for support whenever you back down. And loves you more than you'll ever know.

Pain: Its Story

Had you ever felt the pain that tears the very reason of your existence? I guess you'd never wished for it, right? Here's a question that I guess each one of us may have different answers. Cause the severity of each pain we feel depends on each story we bare in our life. And so I guess, ranking pain is definitely out of question.

The Vow 2012 Movie Review

Misguided by a review, I went out with a friend to watch "The Vow" staring Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum. And I payed for nothing. The movie was a total let down. Common, WHAT WAS THAT ALL ABOUT? Its like 51st Dates but the worst of it. And geez, the sound sucks too. Its as if Channing was eating his words. I know he had this accent of something but !@)(*!&@(*!& again "what did he say?". And like what I've read, the movie is too shallow. Ooh, and the other characters. WHY DO THEY LOOK so AWFUL? There was this scene when the mother of Rachel was crying and saying "I couldnt, I couldn't, I could not" where I blurted out laughing cause this was supposed to be a heartbreaking/tearjerking scene but from the looks of her, its becoming a zombie or a horror story. She was so awful that I laughed out loud where everyone was silent. Why Rachel did not wonder if she was adopted cause her mother and her sister dont even match up to her beauty. Wahahhaha. And not only that, Channing's friends aren't eye candies either. Wahahahah. The bad looks would have been taken down by the acting. But their acting sucks.

The challenge of every love story movies is not really on the looks of the characters are or choice of scenery but on how you can as a director make the audience feel what you want them to feel even if they hadn't felt it before. And by that, this movie failed to do so.

Oh, I've read somewhere that this was a box office hit. COMMON, who are you DAMN Kidding. The movie really sucks! I dont know if anyone clapped when the movie ended but I really "BooED" out!. Sorry Channing and Rachel, the movie was definitely a wrong choice to watch!

Desperate from losing

Most of us grow desperate after losing something/someone. And most of the time, we fail to realize that if God takes away what we considered our greatest gift, He surely will replace it with the best thing He think we could ever have.. And eventually, everything will just work out.

But then again, its all about having Faith, Hope and Love to GOD..